domingo, 21 de febrero de 2010


Estoy leyendo el libro Autoboit de Bernardo Stamateas, el mismo autor de Gente Toxica, aquel librito que pegó duro en Baires porque la gente entendió que estaba rodeada de gente psicopata y manipuladora, o lo reconocieron en ellos mismos. Más allá de que me embolan los bestsellers de autoayuda porque siento que dicen cosas básicas pero que en el fondo nunca son completamente practicables y por ende brindan poca ayuda, puedo decir que este libro me ha resultado muy interesante y motivador en sendas cuestiones. Es fácil reconocer actitudes en uno de autoboicot. Máscaras, defensas hacia el rechazo, el tipico "yo no puedo", el "yo me adapto", el "yo no soy tan bueno como el resto" y creo que de alguna manera reconociendo estas actitudes en uno, después se las puede modificar. Lo importante es identificarías y entender porque ocurren.

Another step to morning self-discovery. But only, this book is from an Argentinean author, and does not have any english translations yet.

El mejor horario para leer este libro es por la mañana, y arrancar el día pensando "Voy a cambiar, y voy a ser la mejor persona que puedo ser. Unica"

martes, 16 de febrero de 2010


Wilson Phillips - All their CDs cause I know them all by heart. I can sing all the songs and scream, and cry, and they all remind me of when I was 8 and went to Sofi´s house and performed all their songs in an imaginary stage.

You are so Vain - Carly Simon - Its another song I used to perform on the imaginary stage.

All songs I used to listen when I was young, they all bring a smile to my face. Cause I was so happy then, that the same feeling rubs on me, and becomes permanent, becomes present. Now.


I was never much of a praying person. But I did know a few prayers I would sometimes say in bed before sleeping so as to get some inner calm and "rest in peace" when I was younger. When I grew up I stopped praying.

But then, a while later, after I had grown up, and had become a sadder person, I realised the wonders of praying. I took lots of courses on how good meditating is, and how eastern religions are better, and how we should be more aware, and bla bla bla.

And guess what?
I found out our western teachings were not that different.

Instead of meditating, we pray. We repeat our own mantras, as the Hail Mary or Our Father.
We put our hand together and pass energy through them to unite the miracles we want to create.

Praying also helps join people for good intentions, so that miracles can happen. So when something is wrong and we get together with a group of friends and pray, we are setting together our minds and visualising a better outcome. What can be more powerful than that!

So praying is another way of walking towards happiness.