martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012

De cosas que leo...

En Bingin, Indonesia termine de leer mi ultimo chick lit. Ahi mismo pense: basta de tanta basura melosa. Me decidi a que iba a empezar a leer cosas que me hicieran pensar. Apartar el chewing gum por un rato y cerrar la boca.

Entonces encontre un libro tirado en un revistero de un bar ahi. Sally's Beach Bar. Tenia la tapa rota (sin tapa) y algunas hojas sueltas. Igual lo empece a leer, para ver de que se trataba. El libro me encontro a mi, quizas? Se llamaba The Third Eye...

Era de la vida de un famoso lama y explicaba como funciona el Tibet en religion y politicamente.

Y asi me enganche a leer cosas mas inspiradoras. Y a pesar de que perdi el libro en un un barco, encontre otro con las ensenianzas del Dalai Lama.

The source of all misery in the world
Lies in thinking of oneself;
The source of all happiness
Lies in thinking of others.

jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012

Just say no

Como me cuesta. Porque me hago cargo y no quiero hacer sentir mal a nadie, prefiero pasar un mal momento yo que hacer pasar un mal momento al otro.

Hay vampiros, stalkers, gente que utiliza a gente que no sabe decir que no para chuparle energia y sacar provecho. Pero lo que uno pierde al no saber decir este facil monosilavo es autorespeto, confianza, y un poquito de uno mismo.

Y no hablo de saber decir que no a un amigo o a un ser querido. Eso no me cuesta. Me cuesta decir que no al desconocido. Y que riesgo.

Not everyone has to like you. You don't have to be friendly with everyone. Sometimes its better to people to know you us you are, with all your "yes" and all your "no's". And if sometimes you don't want to do something just say no. Even if it's uncomfortable, awkward.

Even if you have to hurt someone it's better to be upfront and sincere. Sincere with oneself.

domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012

10 Minutos de Felicidad

It makes my heart jump, it changes de beat in it, it makes me dance, it makes me happy.

Tomorrow People - Ziggy Marley
Walking on the Moon - The Police
The Way it Is -

domingo, 29 de julio de 2012

Finding and Creating Oneself

N says: Find an obsession! Something that consumes your time and gets your mind off your bitter and angry thoughts. You need to figure out what you like and obsess over it.

M says: But I don't know what I like...that's the whole problem.

N: Deep down you must know. You've just lost yourself.

And M eventually found herself. She sang a song with friends and her spirits lifted. She bought a book of Tarot cause she new she obsessed on esoteric things, she wrote on her blog about things that she found interesting cause that made her happy, she went travelling cause that was part of who she was...

But it was all part of a deep painfull process of self discovery and of discovering relationships with people and with things that were deep and profound.

lunes, 18 de junio de 2012


I've finally found the connection between it all. It all has to do with the digestion , or indigestion. And then that connects to some nerve in my head, just behind my right eye, which creates this massive pain, and when it gets horrible, then my neck, the very right side aches as well.

Ways to stop it when I am alone:

1. Go to the bathroom.
2. Massage my feet and apply pressure on the stomach and neck points. Find the spot in the foot that hurts when pressuring and press it and massage it.
3. Take an alkaseltzer.
4. Drink water.
5. Go to the toilet as many times as possible.

When with someone, add the pulling of the back skin, la "tirada de cuerito". Works marvelously well.

6. Burp and get the indigestion out.

See the pain go away...

sábado, 24 de marzo de 2012

La impotencia de perder un vuelo...

Llegue 5 minutos tarde al security point!! Fucking security point! Ahora que...son esos dias en que la indecision me mata!

Pero bueno...ya estoy metida en el baile. A nadie le importa si lloro o pataleo. Llegue tarde. Y lo perdi!

Y encima es un dia increible y el proximo vuelo sale en 5 horas. 5 horas clavada en un aeropuerto. No me pienso encerrar. Asi que que hago?? Me voy a ver como aterrizan los aviones. Claramente algo entretenido debe haber en eso...sino no habria tanta gente. Pero que?

No se...pero tengo que quemar horas. Paso a paso:
1. Ir al banio a lavarme la cara y ademas...a ir al banio.
2. Mirar libros. Algun New Release interesante? Con mi malhumor nada me tienta pero bueno.
3. Compar una revista frivola. Me quedo con Glamour que trae un producto para el pelo gratis.
4. Fumar varios puchos afuera mientra tomo sol y veo lo aviones.
5. Comer algo...
6. Escribir, meditar, escribir, pensar...
7. Pensar en que voy a hacer de aca al resto del anio.
8. Actualizar mi profile en mi CV.
9...No perderme el proximo avion.
10. No pensar en lo caro que me salio toda esta jodita.

miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2012

Happiness Quota per Day

Quiero ser mas feliz, y eso implica un poco de consistencia en las actividades que me hacen bien.

Below is my happiness resolution:
1- Do one well being activity per day: Yoga, meditate/ Pilates/ strech.
2-Sports: 2 times a week ( bicycle to work counts!)
3- Do one activity that will have major repercussions in the long term ( this activity is meant to be one of those things that when you look back on time and think about what you achieved you'll think "Yeah, wrote it!"N "Yeah, studied this", "Yeah, spent all this time there". So say if I am not taking a course, or writing a book, or editing a project, or travelling, I am not doing any of these. I have to ensure this is part of my daily agenda. At least occupies my head for 30 minutes per day. Maybe each morning...
4- Socialise with people that give me love, cherish me, bring me happiness, respect me, are my friends or desire my friendship. Do not hang out with people that do not do any of the above.
5- Spend less time on my phone.
6- Be more concious of nature, earth, what's happening around me( Do not use phone!)
7- Blog daily...with inspiration!

Time Management - so important!

Yesterday, I went to a Toastmasters meeting for the first time. Since arriving to London, I'd been facing some challenges when giving presentations to english speaking audiences. My first: speaking with the right vocabulary, the right words, without getting insecure and red in the face. My second: Avoid being intimidated at meeting with super confident people.

It's all a matter of self confidence, and trusting your abilities to express yourself clearly. Anyway, while I was listening to one of the interesting speeches, I came across this very interesting topic: time management.

A man was saying how he had retired early and had done nothing for ten years. He had found it quite enjoyable not having to work at all, and had loved the experience. But he had figured out, that in order to do this you do have to learn how to time manage your day because if not you found time passes, and you have found you've done nothing in ten years. Still he had really enjoyed doing nothing with his time, or doing things he did enjoy with his time. He was a lazy bastard probably.

Yep. Feel a bit identified. Would love to be doing nothing right now.

domingo, 22 de enero de 2012

Combining everything

So i grew up, but I needed to find new ways to express myself. And engineering did not turn out to be very creative on a working environment.
So I decided to travel to find out...whatever form of career existed towards finding the right activity that would complete me.


I love numbers, and formulas, and solving problems. I thought I would become an inventor at some point...

But I became an Engineer intead.


I loved reading...

And so I started writing. My first journal had a teedy bear cover...I was only 6.

The Artist in Me

I thought I would be an artist because when I was little my teachers where impresed with my drawings...There was one I did of a "seal".
And then I thought I would be a musician, because I had composed some songs with my little piano
And then as I loved singing I wanted to become a rock star ....

...and so I learnt how to play the Electric guitar.

Growing up....

And how we grew to become different persons but still remain the same....

Do we dream about becoming the same person though?

Where it all started...

My dad and his brothers & my dad with me and my oldest sister. 
Family tends to branch out and life and love expand in ways that can be both painful and help us grow.

Artists and Inspiration

When I was young I was most influenced by Van Gogh's thick lines and curly strokes.  I loved Leonardo Da Vinci's combination of an inventor's scientifical mind with that one of a great artist.

Nowadays I get inspiration from modern artists. My recent visit to the Hayward Gallery to see Tracey Emin's exhibition planted a little seed of need for collage making through words and textiles.

I loved the installations I saw in November in the Saatchi Gallery.

My Statement

I am me. I know I am that person I want to become. It's already in me. The artist, the writer, the mathematician, the inventor, the singer, the musician, the creator of beautiful moments, the spiritual dreamer, the woman, the lover, the friend, the traveller, the adventurer, the romantic, the idealist.

I am all those things. They rest there like mini bright starts that lit inside each time I find inspiration from the outside.

Words are what I love the most....without them I would be lost. That's why I keep many notebooks, pages, diaries since I am a small girl. Since I started writing to be exact. My first diary, my very pink and teddy bear printed notebook has written on its first page 1986. I was only six.