I've finally found the connection between it all. It all has to do with the digestion , or indigestion. And then that connects to some nerve in my head, just behind my right eye, which creates this massive pain, and when it gets horrible, then my neck, the very right side aches as well.
Ways to stop it when I am alone:
1. Go to the bathroom.
2. Massage my feet and apply pressure on the stomach and neck points. Find the spot in the foot that hurts when pressuring and press it and massage it.
3. Take an alkaseltzer.
4. Drink water.
5. Go to the toilet as many times as possible.
When with someone, add the pulling of the back skin, la "tirada de cuerito". Works marvelously well.
6. Burp and get the indigestion out.
See the pain go away...
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